2024 Payment Proposal

President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Hon. Mr. President:

As certified owners of the U.S. Territory of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico since the year 1750, with $900+ trillion minimum accumulated international assets, currently out of our control, this is to ask an urgent meeting to discuss our interest to pay the national debt of America and Puerto Rico ($35+ trillion) after receiving from Congress a minimum of $300 trillion by tort, punitive and compensatory civil damages due to the violation of 48 USC 752 during 120+ consecutive years via promoting on our bicentennial lands the unlawful production and sale of millions of false and fraudulent mortgages in an interstate indictable money laundering operation under RICO Act by the three federal government branches, already notified before the USDOJ and FBI since 1998.

Also, with the interest to improve our national economy, discussing increasing the minimum income of all American employees at $100,000 per year, subsidizing the payroll of all the employers nationwide (as publicly disclosed at clear-truth-social.com).

Due to the criminal acts have been keeping us living under extreme poverty levels, we will appreciate you authorize the Treasury Department the opening in a commercial bank of a preliminary checking account on our behalf with the first billion dollars in tax free deposits to cover legal, administrative, high-security and logistics expenditures.

Waiting for your soon response,


Alberto Medina, IRS certified Multi Trillion Estate Administrator

On behalf of,

Estate of Basilio Lopez Martin
PO Box 6596 Woodbridge VA 22195
571-208-3446 / 933-4575 / 288-7383
info@eblm.us / eblm.us

Cc: Hon. Senators Mark Warner / Tim Kaine / Hon. Reps Gerald Connolly & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
RESPONSES> AUG 2015 / OCT 2015

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